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This is Visit Linköping & Co

Audience at Bonfire Festival in LinköpingAudience at Bonfire Festival in Linköping

Make new memories with us!

Visit Linköping & Co is one of Sweden’s leading destination companies with extensive experience in the tourism and hospitality industry, events and meetings. With our extensive network of partners, we help create new experiences and work in marketing and development to make Linköping an attractive destination for Linköping residents and visitors alike.

From the development of new destinations, major events or national industry congresses – at Visit Linköping & Co, no two days are alike! We work to promote the entire city, and have an added responsibility to fill Linköping Konsert & Kongress and Saab Arena. Visit Linköping & Co is a municipal wholly-owned subsidiary of Linköping Stadshus AB.

About Visit Linköping & Co

Here you can read more about the company, our sustainability work and how to contact us.

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About Linköping

Future now

Read more about the city with the groundbreaking innovations, the life-friendly city and the perfect location,

About Linköping