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Linköpings parachute Club

With Linköping’s Parachute Club, you can fulfill your dream of skydiving.

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Linköping parachute clubLinköping parachute club

With Linköping’s Parachute Club, you can realize your dream of becoming a skydiver. We offer tandem jumps, courses, demonstrations, and Sweden’s finest views.

Linköping’s Parachute Club (LFK) was founded in 1973 and has approximately 70 members ranging in age from 16 to 81. The club is run on a voluntary basis by its members and continues to grow steadily. We make between four and five thousand parachute jumps each year.

Linköping’s Parachute Club is also one of the country’s most successful clubs in competitive settings. We have numerous Swedish Championship victories in precision jumping, both individually and as a team.

The club’s formation skydivers have also achieved prominent placements in competitions. Several of the club’s members belong to the civilian and military national teams.

Every year, we conduct a number of demonstrations at various events and gatherings. Through skilled skydivers and various types of demonstration programs, we provide the audience with a spectacular show.

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