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M/S Wasa Lejon

Royal Stockholm Cruise Lines’ M/S Wasa Lejon cruises Berg-Borensberg in summer!

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Photo of M/S Wasa Lejon in Bergs SlussarPhoto of M/S Wasa Lejon in Bergs Slussar

Göta Canal, Berg – Borensberg – Berg. Guided cruise with nine locks and two aqueducts in each direction aboard the ship M/S Wasa Lejon, which began navigating the Göta Canal in 1984.

With M/S Wasa Lejon, you’ll experience one of the most stunning sections of the Göta Canal. Traveling between Berg and Borensberg offers a breathtaking start with an impressive flight of locks that seem impossible to ascend at first glance. The journey continues through a vibrant countryside adorned with houses and manors from the 18th and 19th centuries.

We glide along avenues of majestic deciduous trees. In total, we pass through nine locks, including Östergötland’s only hand-operated lock in Borensberg. During this tour, you’ll also have a unique experience crossing the aqueducts in Ljungsbro and Borensberg. After a brief stop in Borensberg, we head back downstream to Berg.

Welcome aboard!

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Directions to M/S Wasa Lejon

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