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27 must do´s in Linköping

Hands creating a heart on top of Linköping CityHands creating a heart on top of Linköping City

Dive into an unforgettable adventure—challenge yourself to try it all! Hike through stunning landscapes, paddle your way across serene waters, engage in exciting sports, and soak up the energy of live music. Connect with the locals and immerse yourself in Swedish culture. Make the most of your exchange studies and create memories to last a lifetime. Welcome to Linköping!

A view over Linköping Cathedral

The big cultural musts in Linköping

Go hiking along side the Kinda Canal

Nature activities

Swedish fika with coffee and cinnamon buns

Swedish cuisine, shopping and lifestyle

Crowd at a concert at Saab Arena in Linköping

Live-music and sports in Linköping

Wishing you an amazing stay in Linköping!