Ghost – Skeletour World Tour 2025
- Från 855 kr
- Saab arena (Öppnas i ett nytt fönster)
- Arrangör: Live Nation
Ghost, ett av världens mest älskade band, åker ut på världsturné. Med
över 55 datum i Europa, Nordamerika och Sydamerika nästa år så blir turnén den största hittills för det prisbelönta bandet. Under turnén blir det två konserter i Sverige, varav en i hemstaden Linköping 22 maj på
Saab Arena.
As far as live acts go, they’re one of the best in the business” —THE LOS ANGELES TIMES
Världsturnén blir Ghosts första sedan RE-IMPERATOUR 2023, turnén som förevigades i bandets hyllade konsertfilm RITE HERE RITE NOW – och nu är det äntligen dags för turné igen. Turnén, bestående av 55(!) konserter, kommer att starta den 15 april i Manchester för att sen avslutas i september i Mexico City. Från dess att bandet grundades i Linköping för över 15 år sedan har de vuxit till att bli ett av Sveriges, och världens, mest älskade band. I Sverige såg vi Ghost senast våren 2022 där Aftonbladet bland annat skrev ”Saken är biff – Ghost är mer av en upplevelse än ett regelrätt rockband. Tobias Forge och hans namnlösa gastar har grepp om publiken i Avicii Arena redan från första sekund”.
“This show will be a phone-free experience. Use of phones, cameras, or recording devices will not be permitted in the performance space.
Upon arrival at the venue, all phones will be secured in Yondr pouches that will be opened at the end of the event. Guests maintain possession of their phones at all times and can access their phones throughout the event at designated Phone Use Area in the venue. All phones will be re-secured in Yondr pouches before returning to the event space.
Anyone seen using a phone during the performance will be escorted out of the venue. Guests are encouraged to bring a bank or credit card for purchases inside the venue. We appreciate your cooperation in creating a phone-free viewing experience
“Child, Take Your Dark Memories
Like Seeds, And Plant Them Far From Here”
It’s virtually impossible to overstate how far GHOST has come since manifesting from the imagination of Tobias Forge in the early 21st century. Over the course of the nearly 20 years since its inception in Linköping, Sweden, GHOST has become so much more than Scandinavia’s foremost theatrical rock export.
The achievements and accolades amassed by the GHOST discography include nearly 10 billion streams, five GRAMMY nominations (including a 2016 Best Metal Performance win for “Cirice”), an RIAA-certified platinum single (“Mary on a Cross”), an American Music Award and an iHeart Radio Music Award (both Rock Album wins for 2022’s international #1 charting IMPERA). GHOST’s ambitions have only risen with
the exponential growth of its profile, recently resulting in the highest grossing hard rock cinema event in North American history (the band’s feature film debut RITE HERE RITE NOW). As GHOST continues to strengthen its bond with the world-spanning legion of kindred souls that commune with the band and each other at its vaunted live rituals, it’s no exaggeration to describe GHOST — and the uniquely intense
connection formed with the faithful who find refuge in the personae, lore and world Forge has created — as a singular global phenomenon.
“There Is Something Inside Me
And They Don’t Know If There Is A Cure”
Having spent the better part of the last few years enrapturing GHOST’s passionately devoted and ever- growing following throughout multiple legs of touring—a stretch of time spanning from before IMPERA’s March 2022 release through the U.S. finale that took place September 11-12, 2023 at Los Angeles’ Kia Forum (as documented in the aforementioned box office smash RITE HERE RITE NOW)—the next uncharted creative direction would prove to be an inward journey. This deeply introspective turn in Forge’s creative process would ultimately result in SKELETÁ: a collection of 10 new songs originating from and cutting as close to the bone as (in)humanly possible.
“And The Road That
Leads To Nowhere Is Long”
Produced by Gene Walker and mixed by Andy Wallace and Dan Malsch, GHOST’s sixth psalm, SKELETÁ, is its most unflinchingly introspective work to date. Where previous GHOST albums dealt largely with chronicling and/or observing outward facing subject matter—such as IMPERA’s meditations on the rise and fall of empires and its predecessor Prequelle’s evocations of the ravages of era-defining plagues – SKELETÁ’s lyrics render the distinct individual emotional vistas of each of its 10 songs in one-on-one fashion, at times as if in a dialogue with oneself in a mirror. The end result is a singular collection of timeless, universal sentiments, all filtered through a prism of a uniquely personal point of view. However, SKELETÁ is so much more than the sum of its tracklist. Its songs form a thematic arc that begins with the ascendant and anthemic “Peacefield,” then delves into progressively darker spiritual territory by way of the bittersweet melodies of “Lachryma,” demonically hooky first single “Satanized” and soul-searching epic ballad “Guiding Lights.”
“Where Ever I Go
You’re Always There
Riding Next To Me”
SKELETÁ’s second half charts a trajectory through this darkness, back to the unbridled optimism of its opening salvo. Beacons along the way include “Cenotaph” with its notion of existence transcending the physical grave, while the ominous portents of “Marks Of The Evil One” are hailed with a deceptively joyous “There! There!” refrain, and “Umbra” takes a decidedly carnal turn. “Excelsis” concludes the journey in divine fashion, its deceptively mournful intonations actually conveying a promise of eternal life— cementing the song cycle’s overarching theme of reassurance that all dark ages, mourning periods and the like eventually come to an end.
“Come With Me
To The Rainbow’s End”
SKELETÁ will be brought to life over the course of GHOST’s impending SKELETOUR WORLD TOUR 2025. The most ambitious incarnation of the GHOST live ritual to date, the tour recently revealed a first wave of more than 55 dates—including a historic first-ever headlining show at New York’s hallowed Madison Square Garden—with more to be announced. With tickets already selling at a brisk pace, the SKELETOUR WORLD TOUR 2025 live ritual experience promises to expand the GHOST community to attract its largest and most diverse audiences to date. From lifelong disciples to the curious uninitiated first-timers to the outcasts and others who find solace in the ritual, all are welcome to escape the travails of daily life and to become one with the phantasmagoric spectacle that moved THE LOS ANGELES TIMES to rave “As far as
live acts go, they’re one of the best in the business” and THE WALL STREET JOURNAL to anoint the band as “the next generation of arena stars.”
SKELETA is released April 25, 2025 via Loma Vista Recordings.
Praktisk information
Insläpp: 18:30
Evenemangsstart: 20:00
Längd: 2 timmar
Paus: Nej
Åldersgräns: 13 år
Rök- och pyrotekniska effekter kan förekomma under denna föreställning
Tid/Konsertlängd: De tider som anges är endast cirkatider. Exakt sluttid kan inte garanteras.
Med reservation för ändringar.
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